I wasn’t even taught the basics of my class competently by the in-game NPCs, which was terrible as a first taste of what the modern game offered. I had no idea where I was-forcing me into a storyline I never accepted. It seems like I was already a soldier of some military force that I knew nothing about, surrounded by random NPCs that handheld me through about an hr of content that was highly condescending and boring. It was very linear, and this was my first character. However, Exiles Reach was very constraining, and I started on a boat like most RPGs today. When other players told me Cataclysm was a flop, I was surprised because the zone quests were terrific. This questing eventually goes onto a fantastic interconnected zone storyline that teaches you what it means to be a Night Elf over multiple zones. I learned about how they value the balance of nature and how they had failed to stop the corruption of the tree that they called home. I learned about the mythology of the Night Elven people and how Dragon Aspects had refused them through the use of the Moonwells. The distribution of the lore to the player through the questing was well done. The Night Elf starting zone was in this massive tree a bit graphically outdated, but it was beautiful to behold. I liked the idea of using the light to heal and scorch my enemies. I started my first and second character as Night Elf Priest. The quality of the content from Cataclysm to the modern starting zone is stark. You would think as a newer player, I would prefer Exiles Reach, but it’s the opposite.
Next Steps: The Wow development team needs to invest in an entirely new model, animation and gearing team to upgrade WOW cosmetics and model utility to the current standards of games like ESO, FF14 or GW2. However, when realising that newer races are still burdened with the same or even more limitations as the older races, it becomes disconcerting before you even get into the game as it feels cheap for a game you spent around £50-70 on. The good part of World of Warcraft character is the variety of races. Still, modern MMOs have resurrected the old way of allowing players to be anything and have turned away from limiting players via class and cosmetics or have allowed them to choose one and instilled different skill trees on top. The class restrictions based on racial preference are common in the MMORPG genre from 2004 as class variation usually has to do with the world’s lore. The only thing that might differentiate a Blood elf is hair and eye colour for the most part, which is truly disturbing for a 16-year-old game. In addition, there is zero variability in the height or width of a character model that limits the uniqueness of a playable character, making every person in the world seem rather cookie cutter and stale. The actual character models look and feel like planks of wood with clothes painted over them rather than having a dynamic armour system that MMOs pre and post-2012 had.
You have windows upon windows for a simple eye or skin colour change. The UI/ UX of the overall character creation is clunky, where one slider on a panel would suffice. It’s mainly due to a limited number of cosmetic variability. The character creator has the utility of games which came out in 2009. The character creation of World of Warcraft is a disappointment in a lot of areas. So around three months ago, I decided that I would try World of Warcraft as for 16years I have heard many things, both good/ bad and wanted to see for myself. My degree is in computer science and game development. So I have a storied history with them, and they are by far my favourite genre. I played MMORPGs for around 19yrs, and my first MMO was Runescape, then Warhammer, Rift, Terra, Aion, GW1 & 2, BDO, FF14 and ESO.